
Geneva: Exhibition showcases rapid development in J&K at UN

Geneva: [Switzerland], June 28 (ANI): In a significant display of progress and development initiatives, a banner exhibition highlighting advancements in Jammu and Kashmir was held at the Broken Chair Geneva just outside the United Nations headquarters on Friday.

Organised by Sheikh Khalid , an author and peace activist from Srinagar, in collaboration with global human rights defender Elena Vallejo, the exhibition aimed to showcase the positive transformations in the Union Territory of India.

The exhibition featured a series of posters illustrating various technological interventions, advancements in food technology and processing, innovative approaches to Dal Lake cleaning, silk weaving traditions, and projects under the Srinagar Smart City initiative.

Sheikh Khalid emphasized the event’s role as a platform to communicate strides made in tourism, education, and environmental conservation efforts, particularly highlighting ongoing initiatives to rejuvenate Dal Lake.

Reflecting on historical context, Khalid underscored Kashmir’s decision in 1947 to integrate with India as a secular nation, opting for democracy and progress over alignment with Muslim-majority Pakistan.

Speaking on the current government’s efforts in combating cross-border terrorism, Khalid expressed satisfaction, a sentiment echoed during his participation at the 56th Session of the UN Human Rights Council . “The exhibition not only celebrates the rapid development in the Union Territory but also aims to counter extremist ideologies, particularly among the youth,” Khalid remarked.

“It signifies a shift towards positive narratives and showcases the resilience of Kashmiri people amidst challenges,” he added. Khalid highlighted that the exhibition marks a pivotal moment in showcasing Kashmir’s journey towards prosperity and peace on the global stage.

The event received positive reception as it conveyed a message of progress and resilience, shedding light on Kashmir’s evolving socio-economic landscape.

Article Source: https://aninews.in/news/world/asia/geneva-exhibition-showcases-rapid-development-in-jampk-at-un20240628192149/

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Kashmiri must proactively stand up to Pak’s plan to ruin its economy

Jammu and Kashmir has long been caught in the crosshairs of geopolitical conflict. Among the myriad challenges it faces, one of the most insidious is the persistent threat of terrorism orchestrated across the border by Pakistan.

This menace is not just a matter of security but a calculated effort to undermine the economic prosperity of Kashmir. As Kashmiris, we must recognize this reality and take collective action to safeguard our future.

Pakistan’s approach towards Jammu and Kashmir has been driven by a desire to bleed the region through a thousand cuts. This strategy involves fostering and facilitating terror attacks with the specific intent to create instability and economic disruption. By making Kashmir appear unsafe, Pakistan aims to deter investment, hinder development, and perpetuate a cycle of poverty and despair.

Terrorist activities in Jammu and Kashmir have profound and far-reaching consequences on its economy. Each attack not only claims innocent lives but also sends shockwaves through the economic fabric of the region. Businesses suffer, tourism declines and the overall investment climate becomes hostile. The ripple effects of a single terror incident can halt economic progress for months if not years.

J&K relies heavily on tourism. The natural beauty, cultural heritage, and hospitality of its people make it a coveted destination. However, terror attacks create fear among the people. The Tourism sector supports thousands of livelihoods but it faces severe setbacks every time violence erupts.

For any region to thrive economically, a stable and secure environment is crucial. Persistent terrorism creates an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, deterring both domestic and international investors. Without investment, job creation stagnates, infrastructure development slows down, and economic growth becomes an elusive dream. Small and medium enterprises, the backbone of Kashmir’s economy, suffer immensely due to the instability.

Beyond the economic implications, the human cost of terrorism is staggering. Innocent lives are lost, families are shattered, and communities are left to grieve. The psychological trauma inflicted on the people of Kashmir cannot be quantified. Children grow up in an environment of fear, and the social fabric of society is repeatedly torn apart.

The time has come for Kashmiris to take a stand. We can no longer afford to be mute spectators while our homeland is systematically destabilized. Every Kashmiri has a role to play in this fight against terrorism and the preservation of our economic future.

It is essential for all segments of society—political leaders, civil society, trade bodies, and ordinary citizens—to unite and raise their voices against terrorism. This unity will send a strong message to the perpetrators and the world that Kashmir will not succumb to fear and violence.

Political leaders must prioritize the safety and economic well-being of Kashmir above all else. They should work towards policies that strengthen security, promote economic development, and create opportunities for the youth. Leadership should also engage in diplomatic efforts to hold Pakistan accountable for its actions.

Civil society organizations and trade bodies have a crucial role in fostering resilience and economic stability. They can initiate programs that support local businesses, promote tourism, and provide vocational training to the youth. By building a robust economic foundation, they can help mitigate the impact of terrorism.

Raising awareness about the true impact of terrorism on Kashmir’s economy and society is vital. Public advocacy through various media platforms can highlight the plight of Kashmiris and garner support from the broader national and international community.J&K’s strength lies in the unity and resilience of its people. Historically, people of J&K have shown an indomitable spirit in the face of adversity. It is this spirit that must be harnessed to counter the threat of terrorism and pave the way for economic prosperity.

Communities need to be vigilant and proactive in identifying and reporting suspicious activities. This collective vigilance can act as a deterrent to terrorist activities and enhance security at the grassroots level.

The youth of J&K are its future. Engaging them in constructive activities, providing them with education and employment opportunities, and involving them in the fight against terrorism can create a positive impact. Empowered youth can act as ambassadors of peace and prosperity.

The recent ruthless terror attacks in Jammu had only one objective to disturb the economy of the Union Territory. Pakistan wants to kill everything which is linked with Jammu and Kashmir.

It’s unfortunate but true that Kashmir-based leaders fall short of condemning Pakistan. It seems they tend to believe that their role is over by issuing statements or by writing a few lines on social media.

These leaders should understand that they have to muster courage and call a spade a spade. They can’t act as mute spectators and allow the terrorists sponsored by Pakistan to call the shots.

J&K stands at a crossroads. The path to economic prosperity is fraught with challenges, the most significant being the threat of terrorism from across the border. However, with collective action, unity, and determination, J&K can overcome these obstacles. It is time for Kashmiris to wake up and fight this battle on their terms. By standing together against terrorism, we can protect our homeland, preserve our culture, and secure a prosperous future for generations to come.

The mission is clear: to make Kashmir a beacon of peace, stability, and economic success despite the adversities we face.

Source: https://www.awazthevoice.in/opinion-news/kashmiri-must-proactively-stand-up-to-pak-s-plan-to-ruin-its-economy-29471.html

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New Delhi can’t afford to leave Kashmir midway

A robust security apparatus in Kashmir is essential to counteract both internal and external threats

The situation in Kashmir has long been a complex and volatile. As the geopolitical landscape shifts and regional tensions rise, New Delhi must maintain a robust and vigilant security presence in Kashmir, and it needs to understand that Kashmir cannot be left midway.

The lessons of past mistakes, particularly those seen in other conflict zones like Afghanistan, must guide India’s current and future policies to ensure stability and integration in this crucial region.

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan in the late 1990s provides a stark warning of the consequences of leaving a conflict-ridden area without a comprehensive security strategy. The hasty departure left a power vacuum that was quickly filled by the Taliban, leading to decades of instability, violence, and the resurgence of terrorist networks.

For India, the parallels with Kashmir are clear. A premature or incomplete disengagement could embolden anti-India elements, leading to a reversal of progress and a potential escalation of violence.

A robust security apparatus in Kashmir is essential to counteract both internal and external threats. This involves not just presence of the security forces but also intelligence gathering, community engagement, and infrastructural development to ensure long-term peace and stability.

Strengthening intelligence capabilities is crucial. This includes better surveillance, human intelligence networks, and collaboration with international intelligence agencies to preempt and counter terrorist activities.

Continued readiness of the security forces is essential. This means modernizing equipment, ensuring high morale of soldiers, and maintaining quick response units to address any immediate threats.

Building trust within local communities through community policing initiatives can help gather actionable intelligence and foster a sense of security among residents.

Strong political leadership is necessary to navigate the complex landscape of Kashmir. This involves making tough decisions to dismantle corrupt systems and ensuring that political leaders in the region are committed to national integration rather than personal gain.

Corruption among Kashmir-based political leaders has long been a barrier to progress. These leaders, driven by personal gain, often exploit the sentiments of the populace, leading to widespread disillusionment and unrest.

The need of the hour is to establish stringent accountability mechanisms to monitor and investigate corrupt activities that can help cleanse the political landscape. Strengthening processes to swiftly deal with corruption cases would ensure that those found guilty are punished, thereby setting a precedent.

Promoting transparency in governance through digital platforms and citizen engagement can reduce opportunities for corrupt practices.

Anti-India elements, both within and outside Kashmir, are continually working to sabotage efforts towards national integration. These groups propagate misinformation, and foster an environment of fear and hostility.

Effective communication strategies are vital in countering misinformation and building a narrative of unity and progress.

Engaging with local and national media proactively to highlight the positive developments and address concerns transparently can help in shaping public perception.

Engaging directly with local communities through outreach programs can build trust and counter the narratives propagated by anti-India groups.

Economic development is a key pillar in achieving long-term stability in Kashmir. Ensuring that the region benefits from economic growth can address many underlying issues of unrest and dissatisfaction. Investing in infrastructure projects such as roads, schools, hospitals, and communication networks can improve the quality of life and economic prospects in the region.

Enhancing educational facilities and programs can provide the youth with better prospects and divert them from potential involvement in anti-national activities.

The most challenging battle for New Delhi in Kashmir is fighting the internal enemies who work against national integration. These internal enemies include corrupt politicians and those who sympathize with or support separatist ideologies.

Another important aspect which New Delhi needs to focus on is the whistleblower protection. Implementing robust whistleblower protection mechanisms can encourage the reporting of corrupt activities without fear of retribution.

New Delhi cannot afford to leave Kashmir with unfinished commitments. The stakes are too high, and the potential consequences too severe. By learning from the mistakes of the past, especially the US experience in Afghanistan, India must ensure a comprehensive and sustained approach to security, political reform, economic development, and countering anti-India narratives.

The countdown to ensuring lasting peace and integration in Kashmir has begun, and New Delhi must rise to the challenge with determination and strategic foresight. The battle is as much against external threats as it is against internal vulnerabilities, and winning this battle requires unwavering commitment and cohesive action.

Article Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/editorial-page-3/new-delhi-cant-afford-to-leave-kashmir-midway/

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From guardians to perpetrators

Failure of elected representatives to prioritize public welfare and development

For the past three decades, the landscape of governance in Kashmir has been marred by a stark reality: elected MLAs, entrusted with the responsibility of serving the people, have instead prioritised their personal ambitions and interests, neglecting the pressing issues and urgent needs of the populace.

As the region grappled with socio-economic challenges and political turmoil after the Pakistan sponsored terrorism broke out in 1990, failure of elected representatives to prioritize public welfare and development stood as a damning indictment of their leadership.

During the past three decades many elected MLAs in Kashmir focused their efforts not on uplifting the lives of their constituents but on constructing lavish personal mansions and amassing wealth at the expense of public funds. While the people of Kashmir languished in poverty and deprivation, their elected representatives indulged in opulence and excess, betraying the trust bestowed upon them by the electorate.

Furthermore, the plight of the people was exacerbated by the prevalence of fake encounters, which had become disturbingly normalised under the watch of these elected representatives. The irony is palpable: those who were elected to safeguard the interests of the people were complicit in their victimisation, orchestrating violence and perpetuating fear to maintain their grip on power. Instead of serving as guardians of the public trust, they became perpetrators of injustice and oppression.

Equally egregious is the systematic sabotage of development projects and infrastructure initiatives that could have uplifted the socio-economic condition of the region. While neighboring states progressed and prospered, Jammu and Kashmir remained mired in underdevelopment and stagnation, a direct consequence of the negligence and incompetence of its elected representatives.

Rather than championing progress and prosperity, they chose to stifle growth and perpetuate a cycle of dependency and despair.

Perhaps most insidious of all is the cynical manipulation of public sentiment by these elected MLAs, who peddled a narrative of victimhood and persecution to deflect accountability and maintain their stranglehold on power.
By scapegoating New Delhi and portraying themselves as champions of Kashmiri autonomy, they sought to exploit the legitimate grievances of the people for their own political gain, all while abdicating their responsibility to govern effectively and ethically.

Their self-serving politics was epitomised by their fixation on personal security and privileges, symbolised by bulletproof vehicles, elaborate escorts, and ostentatious security details. Rather than channeling resources towards improving public safety and infrastructure, they squandered taxpayer money on extravagance and excess, betraying their duty to serve the people with humility and integrity.

In their pursuit of power and prestige, these elected MLAs lost sight of their primary obligation: to serve the people of Jammu and Kashmir with dedication and humility.

Their behaviour mirrors that of Ahmed Shah Rangali, the ruthless conqueror who cared little for the welfare of his subjects. Like feudal lords presiding over their fiefdoms, they reveled in adulation and praise, deaf to the cries of the marginalised and disenfranchised.

It is incumbent upon Kashmir based politicians to shed their feudal mindset and embrace their role as public servants, accountable to the people they purport to represent.

They must prioritise the needs of the populace over personal ambition, eschewing the trappings of power in favour of genuine empathy and compassion. Only then can they begin to atone for their betrayal and restore faith in the democratic process.

Kashmiri politicians should understand that times have changed and they can no longer project New Delhi as enemy of people.

People of J&K during the past five years have heaved a sigh of relief. Terrorism has been wiped out. Era of stone-pelting, street protests and strikes has ended. People are performing their daily chores without any hindrances and are living peacefully.

Past five years have proven beyond doubt that New Delhi is a true friend, whom people of Kashmir can look towards and count upon.

When politicians were in power or out of power they act like monarchs and feudal lords at the cost of Indian state. But they need to understand that nothing is permanent and they are no kings.
If they have to remain relevant then they will have to serve the people rather than expecting the common masses to be their disciples. The time for change is now, lest the people of Kashmir continue to suffer at the hands of those who should be their staunchest advocates.

Article Source: https://sheikhkhalid.com/from-guardians-to-perpetrators/

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Kashmir’s Political Circus

The dearth of leadership and vision in Kashmir is a matter of grave concern,

In Kashmir, where the mountains kiss the sky and the lakes reflect the beauty of the heavens, lies a political landscape that seems to defy all conventional norms.

Here, amidst the picturesque backdrop, political parties engage not in the serious business of governance or ideology, but rather in a theatrical display of electioneering that borders on the absurd.

The demand for elections reverberates through the streets and alleys of Kashmir, with political parties clamouring for their chance to seize power. Yet, when it comes to the time to fight, the battleground transforms into a stage for a friendly match. Ideology takes a backseat, and the only competition seems to be in the art of deceiving New Delhi.

Unlike elections elsewhere in the country, where issues such as development and welfare take center stage, in Kashmir, the political discourse is marred by a glaring absence of any substantive agenda. Instead of debating policies and plans for the betterment of the people, politicians indulge in a game of mud-slinging, accusing each other of misdeeds ranging from land grabbing to corruption and extortion.

Gone are the days when political leaders articulated a vision for the future, inspiring hope and confidence among the populace. Today, the political landscape in Kashmir is shrouded in ambiguity and confusion, with no clear direction or purpose. It is as if Kashmir itself is pitted against New Delhi and the rest of the country, locked in a perpetual struggle for supremacy.

The tactics employed by Kashmir based politicians are as perplexing as they are baffling. While they shower their opponents with roses in public displays of camaraderie, behind closed doors, they unleash a barrage of vitriol against New Delhi.

It is a curious spectacle indeed, reminiscent of corporate rivals vying for lucrative tenders, where alliances are forged and broken with the flick of a wrist.

But amidst this political circus, one cannot help but wonder: what about the people of Kashmir? What about their aspirations and dreams for a better future? Tragically, they seem to have been relegated to the sidelines, mere spectators in a game played by self-serving politicians whose only agenda is to cling to power at any cost.

The dearth of leadership and vision in Kashmir is a matter of grave concern, not only for the people of the region but for the nation as a whole. In a time when India is changing, Kashmir cannot afford to remain mired in a quagmire of political opportunism and expediency.

It is high time for Kashmiri politicians to rise above petty rivalries and personal ambitions and instead focus on the greater good of the region. They must articulate a clear vision for Kashmir’s future, one that is inclusive and progressive, and work towards its realization with sincerity and dedication.

At the same time, it is incumbent upon New Delhi to engage with the people of Kashmir in a meaningful dialogue, addressing their legitimate grievances and concerns.

After the abrogation of Article 370 on August 5, 2019, J&K has witnessed unprecedented development. The administration led by Lieutenant Governor ManojSinha has pulled the Union Territory out of the quagmire of uncertainty and has allowed a common man to breathe freely in an atmosphere free of fear and anxiety.

Pertinently, schedule for the Lok Sabha polls has been announced and political parties have jumped into the fray. A few Kashmir based parties are “unhappy” over Lok Sabha and Assembly polls not being held together in J&K, but Union Home Minister Amit Shah made it clear that assembly polls in the Union Territory will be held before September 2024.

As Lok Sabha elections come closer the battle lines are being drawn, but the Kashmir based parties are trying to stitch alliances to defeat New Delhi rather than standing on their own feet and fight for the people, whom they want to represent in the Parliament.

It seems these leaders need to be reminded that ultimately, the fate of Kashmir lies in the hands of its people, who have endured decades of conflict and uncertainty.

It is time to break free from the shackles of the past and chart a new course towards peace, prosperity, and progress. Only then can Kashmir truly fulfill its potential as a beacon of hope and harmony in the heart of the Himalayas.

Sheikh KhalidJehangirwrites on Politics, Defense and Strategic affairs and is presently heading International Centre for Peace Studies (ICPS).and core member of Bhartiya Janta Party.

Article Source: https://m.greaterkashmir.com/article/kashmirs-political-circus/290348/amp

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Modi’s One-On-One with Kashmir 

M Modi sidelines political brokers, engages directly with people

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a massive rally at Bakshi Stadium in Srinagar, his first since the abrogation of Article 370 on August 5, 2019. 

This monumental event marked a departure from traditional political protocols as PM Modi chose to directly engage with the people of Kashmir, bypassing political brokers. The rally was not just a demonstration of political prowess but also a testament to the evolving relationship between New Delhi and the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Standing before thousands gathered at the BakshiStadium, Prime Minister Modi exuded confidence and optimism, expressing his happiness over the positive reception he has received from the Kashmiri people since the transformative decision to revoke Article 370. His decision to interact directly with the people of Kashmir symbolized a departure from the conventional political approach, emphasizing a more grassroots connection with the populace.

One of the key highlights of PM Modi’s address was his acknowledgment of the progress witnessed in Jammu and Kashmir since the abrogation of Article 370. He spoke passionately about the developmental initiatives undertaken by the Central Government aimed at fostering growth and prosperity in the region. 

The Prime Minister emphasized that the government’s efforts were not merely focused on infrastructural development but also on holistic growth, encompassing education, healthcare, and economic opportunities for the youth of Jammu and Kashmir.

By engaging directly with the people, Prime Minister Modi sought to bridge the gap between the Central Government and the residents of the region, fostering a sense of trust and confidence in the administration’s intentions.

Throughout his address, Prime Minister Modireiterated his commitment to the welfare and progress of the Kashmiri people, emphasizing that their aspirations and concerns were at the forefront of the government’s agenda. 

He reassured the people that the government was dedicated to ensuring peace, stability, and prosperity in the region, irrespective of any external influences or vested interests.

The rally at Bakshi Stadium served as a platform for Prime Minister Modi to reaffirm the government’s resolve in upholding the principles of democracy and inclusivity in Kashmir. By directly engaging with the people, he instilled a sense of confidence in the government’s vision for the region’s future.

Moreover, PM Modi’s address resonated with the sentiments of the Kashmiri people, many of whom expressed their appreciation for his efforts to reach out to them directly. His words struck a chord with the participants, evoking a sense of hope and optimism for a better future.

After 2014, when Modi took over as the Prime Minister of the country, he has left no stone unturned to return the love given to him by the people of Jammu and Kashmir. The Prime Minister has ensured J&K gets everything which it remained deprived of for the 70 long years. 

Pertinently, during his recent visit to Jammu, PM Modi Inaugurated developmental projects worth Rs 3200 crore and in Srinagar he inaugurated developmental projects worth Rs 6400 crore. 

There was a time when developmental schemes were implemented in the rest of the country but not in J&K but during PM Modi’s tenure time has taken a new turn. During his Srinagar visit PM Modi inaugurated schemes for the rest of the country from Kashmir. During the past five years one thing has proven beyond doubt that the Article 370 always benefited a few selected politicians and families and not the common people. After the revocation of Article 370, peoples’ dreams are getting fulfilled and new opportunities are knocking on their doors. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Srinagar rally served as a gesture of unity and solidarity, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and communities under the banner of development and progress. It showcased the resilience and spirit of the Kashmiri people, who despite facing numerous challenges, remained steadfast in their commitment to building a brighter tomorrow.

PM Modi’s rally marked a significant milestone in the journey towards peace, prosperity, and development in Jammu and Kashmir. 

His decision to address the rally without political intermediaries and to interact directly with the people underscored a new era of governance characterized by transparency, inclusivity, and grassroots engagement. 

As the region continues on its path towards progress, PM Modi’s vision and leadership is undoubtedly playing a pivotal role in shaping its future trajectory. 

The Prime Minister during his speech reiterated ‘Modiki guarantee’ and assured the people that he is committed to ensure that Dharti Ka Swarg prosperous and flourishes in days to come.

Views expressed in the article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the editorial stance of Kashmir Observer

Article Source: https://kashmirobserver.net/2024/03/08/modis-one-on-one-with-kashmir/

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Reviving Kashmir’s economy

Financial institutions can’t ignore ghosts of past

For the people of Kashmir, 1989 was not just a year, it was a seismic shift. It marked the beginning of a protracted period of violence and uncertainty, sponsored by Pakistan-backed terrorism that plunged the region into turmoil.

The idyllic landscape, once known for its serene beauty, became a battleground where gunshots replaced bird song and fear became the pervasive scent in the air. In this cauldron of chaos, the common man, the silent observer, bore the brunt of the suffering.

While the world watched from afar, Kashmiris lived through years of curfews, shutdowns, and the chilling dread of the unknown. Each morning brought the possibility of another tragedy, another life stolen by the senseless violence.

Their dreams were shattered, livelihoods jeopardized, and the simple act of living transformed into a daily struggle for survival.

The statistics, cold and unforgiving, paint a grim picture: 45,000 lives extinguished, countless families fragmented, and an entire region held hostage by fear.

Through these decades of torment, a disturbing reality emerged – a disconnect between the lived experience of Kashmiris and the policies implemented by the financial institutions operating within the region. These institutions, often fueled by cold, hard numbers, seemed oblivious to the trauma etched deep into the collective psyche of the people. Punitive measures were levied on businesses that couldn’t operate freely, loans turned sour due to disruptions caused by terror strikes, and the burden of debt further crippled those already beaten down by violence.

It is time for an awakening, a moment of profound understanding. Financial institutions, particularly J&K Bank, cannot treat Kashmir like any other region. The ghosts of the past – the shuttered shops, the deserted streets, the echoing gunshots – cannot be ignored when assessing loan repayments or making credit decisions. To truly serve the people of Kashmir, these institutions must shed their detached, bureaucratic lens and adopt an empathetic approach.

This call for empathy extends beyond J&K Bank. GST officers, with their rigid adherence to quotas and deadlines, must recognize the unique circumstances of a people scarred by years of instability.
Income Tax authorities, while rightfully focusing on financial accountability, should differentiate between chronic defaulters and those who were driven to non-compliance by forces beyond their control. To punish a man for falling behind on his taxes when his shop remained forcibly closed for months is not justice; it is simply adding salt to an already bleeding wound.

However, empathy does not equate to leniency. Those who have profited from the chaos, amassed wealth through shady means, and deliberately evaded their fiscal obligations must face the full weight of the law. Their actions are not the result of circumstance, but a deliberate betrayal of the very society they live in. Their ill-gotten gains must be clawed back, not for vengeance, but to ensure fairness and rebuild a sense of trust within the community.

It is imperative that the Income Tax Department remains vigilant against tax evasion. Those individuals or entities deliberately evading taxes must be subjected to severe consequences to deter others
from engaging in such activities. A transparent and robust tax system will not only contribute to national development but also foster a sense of responsibility and accountability among the citizens.
The abrogation of Article 370 in 2019 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi led regime marked a turning point for Kashmir. A flicker of hope ignited, a promise of peace that had seemed elusive for decades led to the region embarking on the path of healing and rebuilding.

Financial institutions have a crucial role to play in building “Naya Jammu and Kashmir.” They must become instruments of progress, not punishment. They must understand that economic recovery cannot happen in a vacuum; it requires sensitivity, empathy, and a deep understanding of the scars that still run deep.

Another crucial aspect that financial institutions cannot afford to ignore is the failure of successive governments in Jammu and Kashmir to address the disruptions caused by strikes and shutdowns. For three decades, those in power remained ineffective in quelling the unrest fueled by Pakistan-sponsored separatists. The Union Home Ministry’s revelation that Kashmir used to remain shut for six months is a testament to the apathy displayed by former rulers who acted as mute spectators to the suffering of the common people.

By adopting a responsible and humane approach, J&K Bank and other financial institutions can become agents of positive change. They can help businesses rise from the ashes, provide a lifeline to struggling families, and contribute to the rebuilding of a vibrant and prosperous Kashmir.

The path ahead will be long and arduous, but with compassion and understanding as their guiding principles, these institutions can help write a new chapter for the people of Kashmir, one where the echoes of the past give way to the promise of a brighter future.

Article Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/editorial-page-2/reviving-kashmirs-economy/

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Jobless mainstream politicians busy in self projection

Their democratic rhetoric is nothing more than a facade for self-promotion

Over the past six months, the political landscape of Kashmir has been dominated by three major opposition parties: the National Conference, Peoples Democratic Party, and Congress. However, their political rallies and agendas reveal a concerning trend – a singular focus on self-empowerment and personal development. In the name of democracy, these leaders seem more interested in safeguarding their own interests and promoting themselves rather than addressing the genuine concerns of the common people.

Their democratic rhetoric is nothing more than a facade for self-promotion. Rather than championing the cause of the people, their motives appear to revolve around personal gain. The leaders of these parties seem to have turned democracy into a tool for personal development, using it as a means to accommodate their children and kith and kin in positions of power.

One striking feature of the political rallies conducted by these parties in the past six months is the conspicuous absence of any substantial discussion on public issues. Despite the numerous challenges faced by the common Kashmiri, the leaders have failed to address or advocate for the resolution of pressing problems. Instead, their focus remains centered on perpetuating their own empowerment.


The leaders of these parties have consistently resorted to raising false slogans like plebiscite, autonomy, and self-rule to create an illusion of addressing the broader concerns of the people. These slogans serve as mere tools to manipulate public sentiment, diverting attention from the leaders’ true agenda – personal development at the cost of the common Kashmiri.

While the children of these political leaders have become global citizens, enjoying the privileges of an enriched lifestyle, the lives of the ordinary Kashmiri have remained mired in misery. The stark contrast between the opulence of the leaders’ families and the struggles faced by the common people paints a grim picture of the self-centered nature of Kashmiri politics.

The leaders of these opposition parties seem stuck in a repetitive cycle, where their primary aim remains the perpetuation of their own empowerment. This pattern, observed over the past six months, reflects a lack of genuine concern for the issues affecting the common people. Instead of engaging with public problems, these politicians continue to link every issue with their personal development, attempting to convince the electorate that their return to power is the only solution to avoid further miseries. One glaring example of the leaders’ hypocrisy is their opposition to the development initiatives in Srinagar, particularly the city’s transformation into a smart city. While they vociferously decried the move, the reality is that their previous tenures were marked by rampant loot and plunder. The mismanagement and corruption during their rule left Kashmir without electricity, and their questionable allocation of power projects to friends and relatives hindered the region’s ability to become self-reliant in the power sector.

Kashmir, despite its potential for self-reliance, is grappling with the aftermath of the misdeeds perpetrated by these politicians during their tenures. The consequences of their actions are evident in the struggles faced by the common people, who continue to bear the brunt of power shortages and inadequate infrastructure. Yet, paradoxically, these very leaders who contributed to the predicament now aspire to return to power, crying foul like a ‘whipping boy’ and disregarding their own role in the current state of affairs.Political rallies held by these parties have brought to fore the self-centric nature of Kashmiri politics, particularly within the National Conference, Peoples Democratic Party, and Congress. The leaders of these parties, instead of championing the cause of the common people, have used democracy as a means for personal development and empowerment.

Disconnect between the opulent lives of their families and the struggles faced by ordinary Kashmiris are known to all. These leaders can no longer take common people for a ride. Their eccentric approach has exposed them yet again. Politicians are busy driving home a point that a common Kashmiri cannot survive if they continue to remain out of power.

It seems they are unaware about the ground reality i.e. people are no more interested in their theatrics and dramas. They have understood that these leaders are toothless tigers and their only aim is to somehow sniff the power again.

It is imperative that the electorate remains vigilant, demanding leaders who genuinely prioritize public welfare over personal gain, to pave the way for a more equitable and prosperous future for Kashmir.

Article Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/editorial-page-2/jobless-mainstream-politicians-busy-in-self-projection/

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Jagirdars of Miseries

The exploitation of tragedy for political mileage

The recent devastating fire at Dal Lake in Srinagar sent shockwaves through the region, claiming lives of three tourists from Bangladesh and reducing houseboats worth…

The recent devastating fire at Dal Lake in Srinagar sent shockwaves through the region, claiming lives of three tourists from Bangladesh and reducing houseboats worth crores to ashes.
In the aftermath of this tragic incident, leaders from prominent Kashmir-based parties, including the National Conference, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Apni Party and others descended upon the disaster site. However, their actions in the wake of the fire raised serious questions about their intentions, as they seemingly used the tragedy to score political points and engage in opportunistic photo ops.

It was disheartening to note that, rather than prioritizing genuine relief efforts for the victims of the Dal Lake fire, political leaders from various parties seized the opportunity to exploit the situation for their political advantage.
Politicians arriving at the disaster site and getting their pictures clicked suggest a calculated attempt to use the tragedy as a backdrop for photo opportunities, seeking to capitalise on the public’s sympathy.

Despite the scale of devastation and the considerable losses suffered by the victims, none of the visiting politicians made any substantial effort to provide immediate relief to those affected. Houseboats, worth crores, were reduced to ashes, leaving families without shelter and livelihoods. Yet, the leaders who claimed to represent the people and their interests failed to translate their promises into tangible assistance. They shed crocodile tears and proved that they are Jagirdars of miseries of Kashmiris.

Politicians cannot deny the fact that they accumulated substantial wealth during their tenures in power. Many of them have enjoyed positions of influence and authority, amassing fortunes for themselves and their families. The question that lingers is why, when they have the means to make a significant impact on the lives of the victims, do they not voluntarily contribute to the relief efforts?
The Dal Lake fire has exposed what appears to be a charade of compassion orchestrated by these political leaders. Their visits to the disaster site seem more focused on securing media coverage than on addressing the immediate needs of the sufferers. The conspicuous presence of high-end fashion labels, such as Burberry and Louis Vuitton, and the latest Apple phones, adds to the skepticism surrounding their motives.

In an era dominated by social media, the importance of positive publicity cannot be overstated. The leaders’ attempts to showcase their “concern” for the victims through carefully curated photo ops suggest a prioritisation of image over action. It raises concerns about the authenticity of their commitment to the welfare of the people, as the fire victims became mere props in the leaders’ political theatre.

The fact that none of these political leaders made any personal financial contributions to the victims is a deafening silence that speaks volumes. While they may advocate for relief and compensation from the government, their failure to open their own wallets in the face of immediate need calls into question their sincerity and the depth of their commitment towards the people.
Amid the disappointment with the lackluster response from these political leaders, the present administration, under the Lieutenant Governor, Manoj Sinha has stepped in to provide meaningful assistance to the victims.

Disconnect between the opulence of these so-called public representatives and the stark reality faced by the victims is despicable. The display of wealth, symbolized by designer clothing and high-end gadgets, stands in stark contrast to the anguish and desperation of those who lost everything in the fire. This raises questions about the empathy and understanding these leaders have for the struggles of the common Kashmiri.

The response of Kashmiri leaders to the Dal Lake fire has put a question mark on their sincerity. The exploitation of tragedy for political mileage, the prioritization of photo ops over tangible relief efforts, and the failure to contribute personally to the victims all point to a disturbing reality. It seems that, for some leaders, politics is not a platform for genuine public service but rather an opportunity to amass wealth and exploit vulnerabilities. When they are in power they enjoy all the perks and privileges. When people need their help they never give a penny back to the society. Their eccentric actions even tarnish the image and character of such politicians who really want to serve the people and intend do good for the masses. The onus is on the people to demand accountability and transparency, ensuring that politicians not merely exploit their sufferings for personal gain.

The larger question remains – is their involvement in politics solely for personal enrichment? The failure to contribute even a nominal amount to those in need has proven beyond doubt that politicians in Kashmir cannot go beyond issuing press statements and splashing their pictures on social media. The exploitation of the sufferings of common people to serve personal agendas has further undermined the public’s faith in them.

It’s high time for politicians to stop behaving like Jagirdars of miseries of Kashmiris and show some empathy and sincerity towards the common people.

Article Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/editorial-page-2/jagirdars-of-miseries/

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J&K needs honest politicians, conflict profiteers stand exposed

New Delhi must recognize that the fight against terrorism and insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir cannot be won only by honest officers alone

Jammu and Kashmir has been a focal point of conflict and unrest for decades. Pakistan-sponsored insurgency erupted in 1990, plunging the region into a state of chaos and violence. In this tumultuous environment, the political class of Kashmir seized an opportunity to manipulate the situation for their monetary gains, while the common people suffered the most.
As the insurgency in J&K escalated, the region’s political class quickly recognized the potential to exploit the situation for their personal gains. They positioned themselves to wield power and increase their wealth at the expense of the suffering masses.

While the conflict wreaked havoc in the lives of ordinary Kashmiris, the elite politicians were seemingly untouched by the turmoil. These politicians had no qualms about sending their own children to foreign countries, where they enjoyed the luxuries of life, far removed from the violence and uncertainty that plagued their homeland. This stark contrast between the privileged class and the common people is an alarming example of the disparities that arose during the conflict.
The manipulation and exploitation carried out by the political elite of Kashmir and how they fooled intelligence agencies of various countries for their financial interests is an “open secret” known to everyone.

One of the most egregious aspects of this exploitation was the manipulation of the youth. On one hand, the children of the political class were shielded from the horrors of the insurgency, living a life of luxury abroad, while on the other hand, the children of poor Kashmiriswere pushed into taking up arms and engaging in activities like stone-pelting.
The political class actively instigated the youth to join the ranks of insurgents, providing them with a sense of purpose and, in some cases, financial incentives. This not only perpetuated the cycle of violence but also further divided the society. The common Kashmiri youth, misled by false promises and manipulated sentiments, became the pawns in a dangerous game orchestrated by the political elite.

The economic disparities in Kashmir during this tumultuous period were staggering. While the children of the political class spent dollars in foreign countries, purchasing luxury goods and enjoying a comfortable life, the average Kashmiri struggled to secure two square meals a day. The wealth and prosperity of a select few stood in stark contrast to the abject poverty and suffering of the masses.
These disparities only served to deepen the resentment and discontent among the people of Kashmir. The perception that the political class was exploiting their suffering for personal gain fueled anger and disillusionment, making it even harder to find a peaceful solution to the ongoing conflict.

The conflict in Jammu and Kashmir is not solely an internal issue; it has long been a battleground for proxy warfare involving Pakistan, and international intelligence agencies. The cunning manipulation of the political elite in Kashmir played a significant role in this geopolitical chess game.
The ability of the Kashmiri political class to deceive intelligence agencies from various countries, presenting a façade of being on the side of peace and stability while covertly benefiting from the turmoil, is a testament to their deceit. These politicians exploited the global attention and involvement in the region to further their personal interests, all while maintaining a public image of being committed to the well-being of their people.

After the revocation of Article 370 and J&K’s transition into a Union Territory on August 5, 2019, the region has witnessed peace, prosperity and development. J&K during the past four and half years has shown it to the country that it can compete with any region. It has the potential to emerge as a top performing Union Territory in India. But a few stray incidents like recent killing of a policeman, a father to seven daughters, by terrorists in North Kashmir’s Baramulla area is grim reminder of the fact that people of Kashmir are still being killed by the small bullets sent by Pakistan while the beneficiaries of the conflict are still enjoying privileges like Z-security cover.

New Delhi must recognize that the fight against terrorism and insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir cannot be won only by honest officers alone. It necessitates the active involvement of an upright and honest political class that genuinely cares about the welfare of the people of Kashmir and is committed to ending terrorism and violence.

It is essential to break the cycle of manipulation and exploitation that has persisted for decades. The first step in this process is to bring about a political transformation in the region. The current political class that has thrived on the conflict and its associated benefits must be held accountable for their actions and replaced with leaders who prioritize peace and prosperity for the region.
The intelligence agencies that have been deceived by the Kashmiri political class must also play a role in rectifying the situation. They should conduct a thorough review of their engagement with these politicians, recognizing the extent to which they have been manipulated and deceived.

To bring about meaningful change in Jammu and Kashmir, it is imperative to empower the common Kashmiri and give them a stake in the peace process. This can be achieved by ensuring that the youth have access to quality education, employment opportunities, and avenues for constructive engagement. Addressing economic disparities and providing a sense of hope for the future is crucial.
Additionally, efforts should be made to engage with civil society organizations and local leaders who have the welfare of the people at heart. These groups can play a pivotal role in bridging the divide and building a more inclusive and peaceful society.

The exploitation of the conflict in Jammu and Kashmir by the political class for monetary gains is a disturbing chapter in the region’s history. To bring about lasting peace in the region, it is imperative that the political landscape undergoes a transformation. New Delhineeds to recognize the manipulation carried out by the Kashmiri political class and actively work toward a more inclusive and accountable system.

The writer writes on Politics, Defense and Strategic affairs and is presently heading International Centre for Peace Studies (ICPS), New Delhi. He has authored many books on Kashmir.

Article Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/op-ed-2/jk-needs-honest-politicians-conflict-profiteers-stand-exposed/

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