
New Delhi can’t afford to leave Kashmir midway

A robust security apparatus in Kashmir is essential to counteract both internal and external threats

The situation in Kashmir has long been a complex and volatile. As the geopolitical landscape shifts and regional tensions rise, New Delhi must maintain a robust and vigilant security presence in Kashmir, and it needs to understand that Kashmir cannot be left midway.

The lessons of past mistakes, particularly those seen in other conflict zones like Afghanistan, must guide India’s current and future policies to ensure stability and integration in this crucial region.

The US withdrawal from Afghanistan in the late 1990s provides a stark warning of the consequences of leaving a conflict-ridden area without a comprehensive security strategy. The hasty departure left a power vacuum that was quickly filled by the Taliban, leading to decades of instability, violence, and the resurgence of terrorist networks.

For India, the parallels with Kashmir are clear. A premature or incomplete disengagement could embolden anti-India elements, leading to a reversal of progress and a potential escalation of violence.

A robust security apparatus in Kashmir is essential to counteract both internal and external threats. This involves not just presence of the security forces but also intelligence gathering, community engagement, and infrastructural development to ensure long-term peace and stability.

Strengthening intelligence capabilities is crucial. This includes better surveillance, human intelligence networks, and collaboration with international intelligence agencies to preempt and counter terrorist activities.

Continued readiness of the security forces is essential. This means modernizing equipment, ensuring high morale of soldiers, and maintaining quick response units to address any immediate threats.

Building trust within local communities through community policing initiatives can help gather actionable intelligence and foster a sense of security among residents.

Strong political leadership is necessary to navigate the complex landscape of Kashmir. This involves making tough decisions to dismantle corrupt systems and ensuring that political leaders in the region are committed to national integration rather than personal gain.

Corruption among Kashmir-based political leaders has long been a barrier to progress. These leaders, driven by personal gain, often exploit the sentiments of the populace, leading to widespread disillusionment and unrest.

The need of the hour is to establish stringent accountability mechanisms to monitor and investigate corrupt activities that can help cleanse the political landscape. Strengthening processes to swiftly deal with corruption cases would ensure that those found guilty are punished, thereby setting a precedent.

Promoting transparency in governance through digital platforms and citizen engagement can reduce opportunities for corrupt practices.

Anti-India elements, both within and outside Kashmir, are continually working to sabotage efforts towards national integration. These groups propagate misinformation, and foster an environment of fear and hostility.

Effective communication strategies are vital in countering misinformation and building a narrative of unity and progress.

Engaging with local and national media proactively to highlight the positive developments and address concerns transparently can help in shaping public perception.

Engaging directly with local communities through outreach programs can build trust and counter the narratives propagated by anti-India groups.

Economic development is a key pillar in achieving long-term stability in Kashmir. Ensuring that the region benefits from economic growth can address many underlying issues of unrest and dissatisfaction. Investing in infrastructure projects such as roads, schools, hospitals, and communication networks can improve the quality of life and economic prospects in the region.

Enhancing educational facilities and programs can provide the youth with better prospects and divert them from potential involvement in anti-national activities.

The most challenging battle for New Delhi in Kashmir is fighting the internal enemies who work against national integration. These internal enemies include corrupt politicians and those who sympathize with or support separatist ideologies.

Another important aspect which New Delhi needs to focus on is the whistleblower protection. Implementing robust whistleblower protection mechanisms can encourage the reporting of corrupt activities without fear of retribution.

New Delhi cannot afford to leave Kashmir with unfinished commitments. The stakes are too high, and the potential consequences too severe. By learning from the mistakes of the past, especially the US experience in Afghanistan, India must ensure a comprehensive and sustained approach to security, political reform, economic development, and countering anti-India narratives.

The countdown to ensuring lasting peace and integration in Kashmir has begun, and New Delhi must rise to the challenge with determination and strategic foresight. The battle is as much against external threats as it is against internal vulnerabilities, and winning this battle requires unwavering commitment and cohesive action.

Article Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/editorial-page-3/new-delhi-cant-afford-to-leave-kashmir-midway/

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Opinion | Why PM Modi’s First Visit to J&K after Article 370 Abrogation Was Monumental

There was a time when developmental schemes were implemented in the rest of the country but not J&K but during PM Modi’s tenure, time has taken a new turn. During his Srinagar visit, Modi inaugurated schemes for the rest of the country from Kashmir

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a massive rally at Bakshi Stadium in Srinagar, his first since the abrogation of Article 370 on August 5, 2019. This monumental event marked a departure from traditional political protocols as PM Modi chose to directly engage with the people of Kashmir, bypassing political brokers. The rally was not just a demonstration of political prowess but also a testament to the evolving relationship between New Delhi and the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Standing before thousands gathered at the Bakshi Stadium, Prime Minister Modi exuded confidence and optimism, expressing his happiness over the positive reception he has received from the Kashmiri people since the transformative decision to revoke Article 370. His decision to interact directly with the people of Kashmir symbolised a departure from the conventional political approach, emphasising a more grassroots connection with the populace.

One of the key highlights of PM Modi’s address was his acknowledgement of the progress witnessed in Jammu and Kashmir since the abrogation of Article 370. He spoke passionately about the developmental initiatives undertaken by the Central government aimed at fostering growth and prosperity in the region. The prime minister emphasized that the government’s efforts were not merely focused on infrastructural development but also on holistic growth, encompassing education, healthcare, and economic opportunities for the youth of Jammu and Kashmir. By engaging directly with the people, Prime Minister Modi sought to bridge the gap between the Central government and the residents of the region, fostering a sense of trust and confidence in the administration’s intentions.

Article Source: Why PM Modi’s First Visit to J&K after Article 370 Abrogation Was Monumental – News18

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Tale of two elections

Only through collective action can we safeguard the democratic ideals upon which our societies are built

In the realm of democracy, the sanctity of elections stands as a cornerstone, symbolizing the voice of the people and the essence of governance. Yet, recent events in Pakistan and historical occurrences in Jammu & Kashmir serve as stark reminders of the fragility of this democratic ideal.

Allegations of electoral rigging, manipulation, and the stifling of political diversity have cast shadows over the electoral processes, raising serious concerns about the state of democracy.

Pakistan, a nation with a turbulent political history, recently witnessed elections marred by accusations of rigging. The claim resonates loudly, echoing across international borders, as it calls into question the very essence of democratic principles.

In the aftermath of these elections, it became apparent that the political landscape was not shaped by the will of the people but rather by the machinations of a select few. The spectre of manipulation loomed large, shrouding the democratic process in doubt and suspicion.

The political party led by Nawaz Sharif and his allies emerged victorious, but at what cost to democracy? The allegations suggest that the electoral machinery was manipulated to ensure their ascension to power.

Such actions not only undermine the credibility of the electoral process but also erode public trust in the institutions of governance. The world watched as the democratic fabric of Pakistan was torn asunder, revealing the ugly truth of power politics.

However, the saga of electoral malpractice is not confined to the borders of Pakistan alone. Cast your gaze back to 1987, and you will find a similar tale unfolding in Jammu & Kashmir. The Congress Party, in collusion with the National Conference, orchestrated a brazen campaign of electoral fraud to seize power.

The repercussions of these actions were profound, laying the groundwork for decades of unrest and violence in the region. The rigged elections of 1987 served as a catalyst for the birth of terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir.

The disenfranchisement of the people, coupled with the suppression of political dissent, created fertile ground for insurgency to take root. The echoes of those tumultuous events continue to reverberate through the region, serving as a grim reminder of the consequences of electoral manipulation.

What transpired in Jammu & Kashmir in 1987 finds an eerie parallel in the political landscape of Pakistan in 2024. The playbook of electoral rigging, once wielded by political parties, has now been adopted by the deep state to install governments of its choice. The insidious influence of non-elected actors casts a long shadow over the democratic process, subverting the will of the people in favor of vested interests.

The similarities between these events serve as a cautionary tale for democracies around the world. The erosion of democratic norms and the subversion of electoral integrity pose a grave threat to the foundations of governance. When elections are reduced to mere spectacles of power, democracy itself becomes a casualty.

Moreover, the consequences of electoral manipulation extend far beyond the realm of politics. They have profound implications for peace, stability, and human rights.
In Jammu & Kashmir, the stifling of political dissent laid the groundwork for decades of conflict and suffering.

In Pakistan, the erosion of democratic principles fuels disillusionment and discontent among the populace, sowing the seeds of instability.

The collusion between political parties and security agencies undermines the very notion of a level playing field. In Pakistan, the deep state’s interference in the electoral process subverts the democratic will of the people, rendering elections nothing more than a charade.

Rigged elections in Pakistan should serve as an eye opener for the international community. The world should condemn electoral manipulation in all its forms. Democracies must stand united in defense of electoral integrity, holding accountable those who seek to undermine the will of the people.

Only through collective action can we safeguard the democratic ideals upon which our societies are built.

As the world watches with bated breath, the fate of democracy in Pakistan hangs in balance.
The lessons gleaned from the experiences of Pakistan and Jammu & Kashmir serve as a sobering reminder of the fragility of democratic governance.

It is imperative that we remain vigilant in the face of threats to electoral integrity, lest we risk squandering the hard-won gains of democracy for generations to come.

Article Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/editorial-page-2/tale-of-two-elections/

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Kashmiri politicians and burden of unfought battles

It seems that a significant section of Kashmir’s mainstream politicians lack the courage and conviction to address the region’s challenges head-on

The political landscape of Kashmir has long been one of paradox. While the region grapples with a complex web of historical disputes, societal anxieties, and ongoing security challenges, its political representatives often present a picture of disengagement and self-interest.

This raises a crucial question: are Kashmir’s politicians truly serving the people, or are they merely waiting for central leaders like Union Home Minister Amit Shah to fight their battles?

It seems that a significant section of Kashmir’s mainstream politicians lack the courage and conviction to address the region’s challenges head-on. Their actions often betray a disconnect with the aspirations of the people they claim to represent, suggesting that their primary motives lie elsewhere.

A damning aspect of Kashmiri politicians’ history was their willingness, until 2019, to cozy up to forces across the border, seeking to leverage tensions between India and Pakistan for their own benefit. They spared no effort in this game, often resorting to tactics of blackmail against the Indian establishment. Their public statements and social media posts often appeared strategically aligned with the interests of Pakistan, showcasing a clear lack of loyalty to the Indian nation.

To understand the intricacies of Kashmiri politics, one must acknowledge the duplicitous nature of these politicians. When in power, they adopted the trappings of royalty, enjoying privileges and wielding authority with impunity. However, when out of power, they quickly adopted the guise of the common Kashmiri, donning traditional attire and engaging in condolence politics to garner sympathy from the masses.

Yet, this charade cannot continue unabated. To uphold faith in Indian democracy and the integrity of its political system, it is imperative that stringent action be taken against those politicians who have misled the people of Kashmir. Accountability must be enforced, akin to the measures taken against errant leaders in other parts of the country.

A critical step towards rectifying this situation is the initiation of a thorough probe into the sources of wealth amassed by mainstream leaders. There exists a pressing need to investigate instances of disproportionate wealth accumulation, which cannot be justified by their known sources of income. Such a probe would not only serve to hold these politicians accountable but also send a strong message about the consequences of exploiting public office for personal gain.

Moreover, the central leadership must assert its authority and demonstrate a firm commitment to rooting out corruption and restoring integrity to Kashmiri politics. This may involve implementing stringent measures to monitor the financial activities of politicians and scrutinizing their affiliations with external entities that seek to undermine India’s sovereignty.

Furthermore, efforts should be put in to foster a new generation of leaders in Kashmir, untainted by the corruption and self-serving agendas that have plagued the region for decades. These leaders should be driven by a genuine commitment to the welfare of the Kashmiri people and a steadfast loyalty to the Indian nation.

The reliance of Kashmiri politicians on central leaders to fight their battles is a troubling reflection of their lack of courage and integrity. It is imperative that stringent action be taken to hold these politicians accountable for their actions and to restore faith in democracy.

However, it is crucial to avoid generalizations. Kashmiri politics is not a monolith, and there are undoubtedly leaders who have consistently advocated for the rights and well-being of their people. It is important to distinguish between those who exploit the situation for personal gain and those who genuinely strive for progress and justice.

The emphasis on upholding democratic principles and holding leaders accountable is crucial. However, it should be balanced with an acknowledgment of the historical and political context that shapes Kashmiri politics.

Moreover, a focus on fostering constructive engagement between the central government and responsible Kashmiri leaders is vital. Open dialogue, mutual respect, and a commitment to addressing genuine grievances are essential for forging a path towards a more peaceful and prosperous future for the region.

The issue of Kashmir’s political representation is multifaceted. It demands a nuanced discourse that acknowledges the spectrum of motivations and approaches within Kashmiri politics, while simultaneously holding individuals accountable for their actions.

The fight for a brighter future for Kashmir requires not just the courage of its politicians but also the collective action of its people and the commitment of the top leadership to engage in sincere dialogue and address legitimate concerns. Only then can the burden of unfought battles be truly lifted, paving the way for a more just and equitable society for all Kashmiris.

Sheikh KhalidJehangirwrites on Politics, Defense and Strategic affairs and is presently heading International Centre for Peace Studies (ICPS).

Article Source: https://m.greaterkashmir.com/article/kashmiri-politicians-and-burden-of-unfought-battles/280483/amp

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Reviving Kashmir’s economy

Financial institutions can’t ignore ghosts of past

For the people of Kashmir, 1989 was not just a year, it was a seismic shift. It marked the beginning of a protracted period of violence and uncertainty, sponsored by Pakistan-backed terrorism that plunged the region into turmoil.

The idyllic landscape, once known for its serene beauty, became a battleground where gunshots replaced bird song and fear became the pervasive scent in the air. In this cauldron of chaos, the common man, the silent observer, bore the brunt of the suffering.

While the world watched from afar, Kashmiris lived through years of curfews, shutdowns, and the chilling dread of the unknown. Each morning brought the possibility of another tragedy, another life stolen by the senseless violence.

Their dreams were shattered, livelihoods jeopardized, and the simple act of living transformed into a daily struggle for survival.

The statistics, cold and unforgiving, paint a grim picture: 45,000 lives extinguished, countless families fragmented, and an entire region held hostage by fear.

Through these decades of torment, a disturbing reality emerged – a disconnect between the lived experience of Kashmiris and the policies implemented by the financial institutions operating within the region. These institutions, often fueled by cold, hard numbers, seemed oblivious to the trauma etched deep into the collective psyche of the people. Punitive measures were levied on businesses that couldn’t operate freely, loans turned sour due to disruptions caused by terror strikes, and the burden of debt further crippled those already beaten down by violence.

It is time for an awakening, a moment of profound understanding. Financial institutions, particularly J&K Bank, cannot treat Kashmir like any other region. The ghosts of the past – the shuttered shops, the deserted streets, the echoing gunshots – cannot be ignored when assessing loan repayments or making credit decisions. To truly serve the people of Kashmir, these institutions must shed their detached, bureaucratic lens and adopt an empathetic approach.

This call for empathy extends beyond J&K Bank. GST officers, with their rigid adherence to quotas and deadlines, must recognize the unique circumstances of a people scarred by years of instability.
Income Tax authorities, while rightfully focusing on financial accountability, should differentiate between chronic defaulters and those who were driven to non-compliance by forces beyond their control. To punish a man for falling behind on his taxes when his shop remained forcibly closed for months is not justice; it is simply adding salt to an already bleeding wound.

However, empathy does not equate to leniency. Those who have profited from the chaos, amassed wealth through shady means, and deliberately evaded their fiscal obligations must face the full weight of the law. Their actions are not the result of circumstance, but a deliberate betrayal of the very society they live in. Their ill-gotten gains must be clawed back, not for vengeance, but to ensure fairness and rebuild a sense of trust within the community.

It is imperative that the Income Tax Department remains vigilant against tax evasion. Those individuals or entities deliberately evading taxes must be subjected to severe consequences to deter others
from engaging in such activities. A transparent and robust tax system will not only contribute to national development but also foster a sense of responsibility and accountability among the citizens.
The abrogation of Article 370 in 2019 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi led regime marked a turning point for Kashmir. A flicker of hope ignited, a promise of peace that had seemed elusive for decades led to the region embarking on the path of healing and rebuilding.

Financial institutions have a crucial role to play in building “Naya Jammu and Kashmir.” They must become instruments of progress, not punishment. They must understand that economic recovery cannot happen in a vacuum; it requires sensitivity, empathy, and a deep understanding of the scars that still run deep.

Another crucial aspect that financial institutions cannot afford to ignore is the failure of successive governments in Jammu and Kashmir to address the disruptions caused by strikes and shutdowns. For three decades, those in power remained ineffective in quelling the unrest fueled by Pakistan-sponsored separatists. The Union Home Ministry’s revelation that Kashmir used to remain shut for six months is a testament to the apathy displayed by former rulers who acted as mute spectators to the suffering of the common people.

By adopting a responsible and humane approach, J&K Bank and other financial institutions can become agents of positive change. They can help businesses rise from the ashes, provide a lifeline to struggling families, and contribute to the rebuilding of a vibrant and prosperous Kashmir.

The path ahead will be long and arduous, but with compassion and understanding as their guiding principles, these institutions can help write a new chapter for the people of Kashmir, one where the echoes of the past give way to the promise of a brighter future.

Article Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/editorial-page-2/reviving-kashmirs-economy/

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Jobless mainstream politicians busy in self projection

Their democratic rhetoric is nothing more than a facade for self-promotion

Over the past six months, the political landscape of Kashmir has been dominated by three major opposition parties: the National Conference, Peoples Democratic Party, and Congress. However, their political rallies and agendas reveal a concerning trend – a singular focus on self-empowerment and personal development. In the name of democracy, these leaders seem more interested in safeguarding their own interests and promoting themselves rather than addressing the genuine concerns of the common people.

Their democratic rhetoric is nothing more than a facade for self-promotion. Rather than championing the cause of the people, their motives appear to revolve around personal gain. The leaders of these parties seem to have turned democracy into a tool for personal development, using it as a means to accommodate their children and kith and kin in positions of power.

One striking feature of the political rallies conducted by these parties in the past six months is the conspicuous absence of any substantial discussion on public issues. Despite the numerous challenges faced by the common Kashmiri, the leaders have failed to address or advocate for the resolution of pressing problems. Instead, their focus remains centered on perpetuating their own empowerment.


The leaders of these parties have consistently resorted to raising false slogans like plebiscite, autonomy, and self-rule to create an illusion of addressing the broader concerns of the people. These slogans serve as mere tools to manipulate public sentiment, diverting attention from the leaders’ true agenda – personal development at the cost of the common Kashmiri.

While the children of these political leaders have become global citizens, enjoying the privileges of an enriched lifestyle, the lives of the ordinary Kashmiri have remained mired in misery. The stark contrast between the opulence of the leaders’ families and the struggles faced by the common people paints a grim picture of the self-centered nature of Kashmiri politics.

The leaders of these opposition parties seem stuck in a repetitive cycle, where their primary aim remains the perpetuation of their own empowerment. This pattern, observed over the past six months, reflects a lack of genuine concern for the issues affecting the common people. Instead of engaging with public problems, these politicians continue to link every issue with their personal development, attempting to convince the electorate that their return to power is the only solution to avoid further miseries. One glaring example of the leaders’ hypocrisy is their opposition to the development initiatives in Srinagar, particularly the city’s transformation into a smart city. While they vociferously decried the move, the reality is that their previous tenures were marked by rampant loot and plunder. The mismanagement and corruption during their rule left Kashmir without electricity, and their questionable allocation of power projects to friends and relatives hindered the region’s ability to become self-reliant in the power sector.

Kashmir, despite its potential for self-reliance, is grappling with the aftermath of the misdeeds perpetrated by these politicians during their tenures. The consequences of their actions are evident in the struggles faced by the common people, who continue to bear the brunt of power shortages and inadequate infrastructure. Yet, paradoxically, these very leaders who contributed to the predicament now aspire to return to power, crying foul like a ‘whipping boy’ and disregarding their own role in the current state of affairs.Political rallies held by these parties have brought to fore the self-centric nature of Kashmiri politics, particularly within the National Conference, Peoples Democratic Party, and Congress. The leaders of these parties, instead of championing the cause of the common people, have used democracy as a means for personal development and empowerment.

Disconnect between the opulent lives of their families and the struggles faced by ordinary Kashmiris are known to all. These leaders can no longer take common people for a ride. Their eccentric approach has exposed them yet again. Politicians are busy driving home a point that a common Kashmiri cannot survive if they continue to remain out of power.

It seems they are unaware about the ground reality i.e. people are no more interested in their theatrics and dramas. They have understood that these leaders are toothless tigers and their only aim is to somehow sniff the power again.

It is imperative that the electorate remains vigilant, demanding leaders who genuinely prioritize public welfare over personal gain, to pave the way for a more equitable and prosperous future for Kashmir.

Article Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/editorial-page-2/jobless-mainstream-politicians-busy-in-self-projection/

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J&K needs honest politicians, conflict profiteers stand exposed

New Delhi must recognize that the fight against terrorism and insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir cannot be won only by honest officers alone

Jammu and Kashmir has been a focal point of conflict and unrest for decades. Pakistan-sponsored insurgency erupted in 1990, plunging the region into a state of chaos and violence. In this tumultuous environment, the political class of Kashmir seized an opportunity to manipulate the situation for their monetary gains, while the common people suffered the most.
As the insurgency in J&K escalated, the region’s political class quickly recognized the potential to exploit the situation for their personal gains. They positioned themselves to wield power and increase their wealth at the expense of the suffering masses.

While the conflict wreaked havoc in the lives of ordinary Kashmiris, the elite politicians were seemingly untouched by the turmoil. These politicians had no qualms about sending their own children to foreign countries, where they enjoyed the luxuries of life, far removed from the violence and uncertainty that plagued their homeland. This stark contrast between the privileged class and the common people is an alarming example of the disparities that arose during the conflict.
The manipulation and exploitation carried out by the political elite of Kashmir and how they fooled intelligence agencies of various countries for their financial interests is an “open secret” known to everyone.

One of the most egregious aspects of this exploitation was the manipulation of the youth. On one hand, the children of the political class were shielded from the horrors of the insurgency, living a life of luxury abroad, while on the other hand, the children of poor Kashmiriswere pushed into taking up arms and engaging in activities like stone-pelting.
The political class actively instigated the youth to join the ranks of insurgents, providing them with a sense of purpose and, in some cases, financial incentives. This not only perpetuated the cycle of violence but also further divided the society. The common Kashmiri youth, misled by false promises and manipulated sentiments, became the pawns in a dangerous game orchestrated by the political elite.

The economic disparities in Kashmir during this tumultuous period were staggering. While the children of the political class spent dollars in foreign countries, purchasing luxury goods and enjoying a comfortable life, the average Kashmiri struggled to secure two square meals a day. The wealth and prosperity of a select few stood in stark contrast to the abject poverty and suffering of the masses.
These disparities only served to deepen the resentment and discontent among the people of Kashmir. The perception that the political class was exploiting their suffering for personal gain fueled anger and disillusionment, making it even harder to find a peaceful solution to the ongoing conflict.

The conflict in Jammu and Kashmir is not solely an internal issue; it has long been a battleground for proxy warfare involving Pakistan, and international intelligence agencies. The cunning manipulation of the political elite in Kashmir played a significant role in this geopolitical chess game.
The ability of the Kashmiri political class to deceive intelligence agencies from various countries, presenting a façade of being on the side of peace and stability while covertly benefiting from the turmoil, is a testament to their deceit. These politicians exploited the global attention and involvement in the region to further their personal interests, all while maintaining a public image of being committed to the well-being of their people.

After the revocation of Article 370 and J&K’s transition into a Union Territory on August 5, 2019, the region has witnessed peace, prosperity and development. J&K during the past four and half years has shown it to the country that it can compete with any region. It has the potential to emerge as a top performing Union Territory in India. But a few stray incidents like recent killing of a policeman, a father to seven daughters, by terrorists in North Kashmir’s Baramulla area is grim reminder of the fact that people of Kashmir are still being killed by the small bullets sent by Pakistan while the beneficiaries of the conflict are still enjoying privileges like Z-security cover.

New Delhi must recognize that the fight against terrorism and insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir cannot be won only by honest officers alone. It necessitates the active involvement of an upright and honest political class that genuinely cares about the welfare of the people of Kashmir and is committed to ending terrorism and violence.

It is essential to break the cycle of manipulation and exploitation that has persisted for decades. The first step in this process is to bring about a political transformation in the region. The current political class that has thrived on the conflict and its associated benefits must be held accountable for their actions and replaced with leaders who prioritize peace and prosperity for the region.
The intelligence agencies that have been deceived by the Kashmiri political class must also play a role in rectifying the situation. They should conduct a thorough review of their engagement with these politicians, recognizing the extent to which they have been manipulated and deceived.

To bring about meaningful change in Jammu and Kashmir, it is imperative to empower the common Kashmiri and give them a stake in the peace process. This can be achieved by ensuring that the youth have access to quality education, employment opportunities, and avenues for constructive engagement. Addressing economic disparities and providing a sense of hope for the future is crucial.
Additionally, efforts should be made to engage with civil society organizations and local leaders who have the welfare of the people at heart. These groups can play a pivotal role in bridging the divide and building a more inclusive and peaceful society.

The exploitation of the conflict in Jammu and Kashmir by the political class for monetary gains is a disturbing chapter in the region’s history. To bring about lasting peace in the region, it is imperative that the political landscape undergoes a transformation. New Delhineeds to recognize the manipulation carried out by the Kashmiri political class and actively work toward a more inclusive and accountable system.

The writer writes on Politics, Defense and Strategic affairs and is presently heading International Centre for Peace Studies (ICPS), New Delhi. He has authored many books on Kashmir.

Article Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/op-ed-2/jk-needs-honest-politicians-conflict-profiteers-stand-exposed/

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Man who connected Srinagar with Gulmarg

In the political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir one name that stands out as a founding member of the Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and a former minister is Ghulam Hassan Mir. His journey in politics, characterized by dedication and resilience, has left an indelible mark on the region’s history.

Ghulam Hassan Mir, a law graduate from Aligarh Muslim University, and hailing from North Kashmir’s Tangmarg area is known as the man who connected Gulmarg with Srinagar, and ensured that people of his home town get all the facilities.

His early life was marked by a strong sense of community and a desire to bring about positive change in his homeland. This innate calling to serve the people led him to step into the political arena, where he would go on to play a pivotal role.

Mir’s political journey began in the early 1970s, and he quickly rose through the ranks of the state’s political landscape. He was deeply committed to the welfare and betterment of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, and this commitment served as the foundation for his enduring political career.

In the year 1999 when Jammu and Kashmir was facing several challenges, including political instability and the increasing alienation of the people, Mir stood by the late Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) leader and former J&K chief minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and became one of the founder members of PDP. The party won 16 assembly seats in 2002 assembly elections and went on to form a coalition government with the Congress Party. Mir played a pivotal role in shaping PDP’s ideology and objectives.  Mir’s political acumen and grassroots support made him a formidable candidate, and he was elected to the Gulmarg constituency of the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly in 2002 as a PDP candidate.

In 2008 he won the Gulmarg seat after he floated his own party Democratic Party (Nationalist). His victories reflected the trust and faith that the people of Gulmargplaced in him, given his unwavering dedication to their welfare.

Mir’s tenure as a legislator was marked by a commitment to addressing the issues faced by his constituents, as well as advocating for the broader interests of the region. He was known for his ability to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and to find common ground, a skill that proved invaluable in the complex and diverse political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir.

Ghulam Hassan Mir’s contributions to the state of Jammu and Kashmir extended beyond the legislative assembly. In 80s he was appointed as a minister in the cabinet led by late Ghulam Mohammad Shah, which elevated his position as a key political figure in the region.

Throughout his political career, Ghulam Hassan Mir remained steadfast in his commitment to serve the people.

He recognized the importance of economic development in improving the lives of the people in the region. He advocated for initiatives that aimed to uplift the socio-economic conditions of the people, especially in the rural areas of J&K. His efforts contributed to the growth and progress of the region, particularly in terms of infrastructure, education, and healthcare.

Mir’s impact on the political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir remains significant to this day. As a founding member of the PDP and a former minister, he left an indelible mark on the region’s history. His commitment to the welfare of the people, dedication to peace, and advocacy for development continue to inspire political leaders and activists in Jammu and Kashmir.

While Ghulam Hassan Mir’s political journey has been marked by challenges and complexities, his resilience and determination have been a source of inspiration. His legacy is a testament to the power of grassroots politics and the enduring quest for restoring peace in the region.

Presently, Ghulam Hassan Mir is the vice-president of Apni Party led by Altaf Bukhari. He is proactively participating in the political activities of the party and has emerged as an inspiration for the youngsters.

Mir’s life and political career embody the essence of public service. His journey from a young man in Tangmarg to a founding member of the PDP and a minister in the state cabinet is a testament to his unwavering commitment to the people of Jammu and Kashmir. His contributions to the region’s political and social fabric have left an indelible mark, and his legacy continues to inspire those who seek to make a positive difference in the world of politics and governance.

The writer writes on Politics, Defence Strategic affairs and is presently heading International Centre for Peace Studies ICPS.New Delhi .

Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/opinion/man-who-connected-srinagar-with-gulmarg/

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A transformative journey

No place for corruption, nepotism and appeasement in ‘New India’

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of ‘New India’ has transformed Jammu and Kashmir from strife torn region into a vibrant place. The winds of change that have swept J&K after the abrogation of Article 370 have put the Union Territory on the path of peace, prosperity and development.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 10th Independence Day speech delivered on August 15 this year made it clear there is no place for corruption, nepotism and appeasement in “New India.”

PM Modi’s assertions struck a chord not only with the nation at large but also with the J&K youth.

The Prime Minister has given a clear roadmap to the J&K Government led by Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to empower J&K youth and ensure that three ills: corruption, nepotism and appeasement are wiped out from the system completely.

PM Modi’s speech highlighted the transformative journey that India has embarked upon, marked by the dismantling of dynasty rule and the steadfast resolve to combat corruption. His speech found resonance in the hearts and minds of J&K youth, offering them renewed hope for a future defined by democratic values, inclusivity, and empowerment.

For decades, Jammu and Kashmir had been marred by the grip of dynastic politics, which not only perpetuated a sense of entitlement but also choked the voices of the common people. The ruling elite’s hold over the region was marked by a lack of accountability, a scarcity of opportunities, and the erosion of trust in governance.

The power corridors were dominated by a few families, leaving little room for political diversity and citizen participation.
However, the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi challenged the status-quo and redefined the very concept of governance in Jammu and Kashmir.

In his Independence Day speech, PM Modi articulated the significance of empowering the youth and dismantling the barriers that hinder their potential.

The decision to break free from dynasty rule and encourage a more inclusive political landscape has resonated deeply with the Kashmiri youth, who are leading from the front to contribute towards the democratic fabric of the nation.

The concept of ‘New India’ heralds a future where leadership is based on merit, capability, and a commitment to the welfare of the people. By embracing a more participatory political environment, where young leaders are encouraged to step forward, the government is not just altering the power dynamics but also fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among the youth.

This transition has sent a powerful message to Kashmiri youth: their opinions matter, their aspirations are valued, and they have the potential to shape the destiny of their homeland.
Corruption, another malignant issue that had plagued J&K has been systematically addressed by the government. 

The Prime Minister’s emphasis on the importance of transparency and accountability is a clear message to one and all that the era of impunity is over.
The J&K youth, who have been witness to the corrosive effects of corruption on their society, view this commitment to eradicating corruption as a vital step towards restoring trust in the system.

In his Independence-Day speech, PM Modi also highlighted the critical role of technology in this endeavor.
The implementation of e-governance and digital platforms in J&K has not only streamlined administrative processes but has also reduced the scope for middlemen who often facilitated corrupt practices.

The digitization of services, combined with the government’s resolve to punish wrongdoers, have garnered the trust of the Kashmiri youth who are increasingly engaging with technology and demanding greater transparency in governance.

Another remarkable aspect of the government’s approach has been recognition of the importance of economic development in winning over the hearts and minds of the J&K youth.

The region’s vast potential in sectors such as tourism, agriculture, and handicrafts largely remained untapped due to years of Pakistan sponsored terrorism and neglect. However, with the introduction of targeted economic initiatives, the youth are witnessing opportunities for growth and self-reliance.
The ‘Start-up India’ initiative, for instance, has ignited the entrepreneurial spirit among the J&K youth.

The government’s efforts to create conducive environment for business growth, coupled with financial support and mentorship, have empowered young Kashmiris to convert their ideas into tangible ventures. This has not only contributed towards economic growth but has also nurtured a sense of pride and ownership among them.

Moreover, the commitment to infrastructure development in J&K is a testament to the government’s determination to uplift the region.

Establishment of new educational institutions, improved healthcare facilities and better connectivity have not only enhanced the quality of life for J&K youth but are an ample proof of government’s recognition of their right to progress and prosperity.

Prime Minister Modi’s vision for a ‘New India’ encompasses the spirit of unity in diversity. His emphasis on embracing cultural diversity and respecting different languages and traditions has echoed deeply in J&K, a region renowned for its rich cultural heritage.

By acknowledging the unique identity of J&K within the broader Indian mosaic, the government has fostered a sense of belonging among the youth, who are proud to contribute to a diverse and inclusive nation.

The writer writes on Politics, Defence Strategic affairs and is presently heading International Centre for Peace Studies ICPS.New Delhi .

A transformative journey Read More »

The Jammu and Kashmir Story: The Enemies Within Stand Exposed

HHum ko kisane mara, yeh kahani abhi sahi (who killed Kashmirs, time has come that world should know).

A game plan was orchestrated by Pakistan’s spy agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in 1990 to turn Jammu and Kashmir into a battleground.

Pakistan lured Kashmiri youth into terrorism, gave them guns, bombs and grenades to wreak havoc in Kashmir and turn the happy Valley into a graveyard.

For 30 years, the pillars of democracy were exploited to undermine the very essence of democracy in the embattled region of Kashmir.


However, after Narendra Modi took over the reins of the country in 2014, he made it explicitly clear that terrorism won’t be tolerated. The government led by PM Modi chalked out a comprehensive plan to deal with the scourge of terrorism in J&K and looked for the root cause.

Article Source: https://www.news18.com/opinion/opinion-the-jammu-and-kashmir-story-the-enemies-within-stand-exposed-8254117.html

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